Tuesday 30 September 2008


It's the second time it had happened to me in the space of a year.

It's the fourth time I am forced to pick myself up after helplessly seeing my hopes shatter and break into a million pieces.

I don't believe in curses, karma and jinxes but this certainly had me questioning my beliefs. I wonder whether I am am forever fated to come to a dead end in these 'issues'. I won't pretend this was a big blow. Once again, its over. Goodbye. Adios.

The dark clouds are over me. I am at the receiving end of the battering rainfall. I can feel it, forever a painful reminder of my failure.

I am sore. Anger pulsed through my head. The bitter taste of defeat is fresh on my tongue. Once bitter, twice as dangerous. I won't be easily swayed next time. Mark my words.

Sunday 14 September 2008

Double Whammy

After 3 weeks of a grueling exam period, I finally can afford to put up my leg and rest, at least for a while. On Saturday, I went to 1 Utama twice in the same day. Initially, I went there at 12pm for a futsal match. Then, I went to PJEFC for a short play called 'A Second Chance'. To be honest, the cast did a good job but the play just wasn't inspiring and touching.

After that, I was suppose to follow Bob Rick home but he decided to go to 1 Utama with fellow church members (namely Jia Hong, Grace Lee, Grace Chow, Kassandra) and Li Wen + Neal

So in the end I tagged along to 1 Utama

Today is the Lantern/Mooncake Festival.

The Lantern Festival is also known as the Little New Year since it marks the end of the series of celebrations starting from the Chinese New Year. The Koreans celebrate this festival as the Daeboreum.

Reasons why I love this festival:
#1 Mooncakes (yummy)
#2 Lanterns
#3 I get to chill and my parents won't force me to study :-)

Anyway, I have to prepare myself for Gerak Gempur. Come to think of it, I looking forward to SPM. I want to get this over with and take a good long rest. After that, I got NS to look forward to. Besides that, I have to prepare for the Taylor's Principal Award scholarship interview. I need Rabin!!! :-)

Good Night!!