Monday, 21 November 2011

Insert Tittle Here

Alright, first off, I would like to announce that I am scratching the short story I put up for preview on my last post. Frankly, I don’t have much of a plot for that story without sounding tiresome and predictable. Thus, I apologize and I will start a new one once I have some inspiration. 

Next, I would like to explain my long absence from this blog. Well, the reason is simple really: exams. How was the exams, you ask? Let’s just say the exams were absolute torture for those who are intellectually challenged (like yours truly).

On a brighter note, I am now on holiday. I have about 2-3 months before having to return to uni of R & R. No, I did not imply that I dislike studying (as I write this, I can hardly keep a straight face). Anyway, I want to make sure that I spend this break more productively than the last. Some things on my ‘to-do’ list: write more and lose weight. Ok fine, I lied; I am not sure what I am going to do yet. I will think of something...tomorrow.  No, I am not procrastinating. How dare you suggest that?

Personally, one thing I should do this break is to rediscover myself. The year of 2011 has not been kind to me. Well, at least I thought 2011 was the year I went backwards (not literally of course) as a person. Some things have gone stale on me, and my drive & motivation are probably at an all time low. This time around, I failed to deal with adversities and let people & emotions get the better of me. I admit, I have been moody and anti-social, more than usual anyway. 

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