Sunday, 26 February 2012

Community Announcement Episode 1

My first ever announcement post!

Notice that despite having 'episode 1' as part of my tittle, I will not be posting any video of any sort here. In other words (I am trying my best to appear sophisticated), I am not vlogging (video blogging). There are a couple of reasons why, and I am going to list them. My psychologist did say that listing whatever is on my mind will help 'un-clutter' my mind.

  • I am not exactly Martin Luther King Jr. (I did say I want to appear am sophisticated). Talking and Jeric usually does not go well, although I heard soya bean drink does. Based on my extensive knowledge of probability, I think no one would tune in and watch me blabber & stutter my way through a video.
Soya bean-*drools*-great, now I have to wipe my keyboard

  • My face is too awesome to behold
I am awesome!

  • I much prefer writing, and remain the faceless blogger who pokes fun at hapless people and organizations.

So, back to the announcements, seeing that I was sidetracked. Wait, now you want know why I used the words 'communnity announcement' in my tittle? Because I would like to make  a couple of blog-related announcements, although admittedly I don't have much of a blog community.

You see? I was sidetracked again. Anyway, I am going to list out my announcements (remember what my psychologist said?) :

  • I am considering changing the URL of my blog to something more sophisticated (ahem), or I might just start a new blog. I am considering using or
  • I am thinking of introducing a free writing review app into my blog. Tentatively, anyone can submit an English piece of writing (essay, report etc) that is less than 500 words for a free review. 
  • Just a head's up: if I have time, I will be experimenting with different blog features over the next few months.
  • I am considering introducing third party functions into my blog as well, where I am not the only one with access to the blog. More details at a later date. 
  • My next post will include the Rudd-Gillard leadership chaos, football, the Malaysian LRT system, Lynas and Malaysian politics (of course).

1 comment:

Gary said...

Good idea to have other features added. You sure write more and better than your might as well harness it to good effect n entertain us with your insight.